Pre School
At Park Hall we are very proud of our Pre-school and the many experiences we offer to the children. We give them choices and opportunities to thrive and extend and develop skills and knowledge and an understanding of the Pre-school curriculum.
In Pre-school we feel it important to give the children a blend of informal child initiated experiences, balanced with some more carefully planned structured activities geared to enhance their learning at the appropriate level. We pride ourselves in preparing the children for their next step to big school.
Our Pre School is run by a fully qualified teacher who plans an interesting, stimulating and varied curriculum for our Pre School group.
All our meals are made fresh every day by Clare our cook. Clare makes sure the babies and children eat a well balanced-diet. We endeavour to cater for all faiths and allergies and menus are available for parents to see. Clare has many years’ experience in catering.
Independent Learning
The children have permanent access to the water tray, sand, the book corner, the writing table and easel etc. which enables us to create a language rich environment.
The children are actively encouraged to be independent and have free access to toys and equipment for them to be able to explore freely in their learning environment. The emphasis is on ‘Learning Through Play’. By giving them free access to these things they learn independence and responsibility and take ownership of their achievements.
Staff and children work closely together and follow the guidelines to the Early Years Foundation Stage. In Pre-school the children have daily access to a wide range of ICT: including their own “Giant iPad” with a range of educational games.
The Pre-school have their very own outdoor free flow area enabling them to choose between indoor and outdoor activities during the day. They also use the main playground at the front of the nursery and our lovely woodland area which the children just love, climbing, running, jumping, sliding, building dens, using the mud kitchen and much more.